Gammon & Grange, P.C.
- Author
Gammon & Grange, P.C. is a D.C. area law firm serving 650 businesses, communication firms, international NGOs, religious organizations, private foundations, other nonprofit and tax exempt organizations, and individuals throughout the United States and abroad. G&G has over 30 years of experience in providing solutions-oriented counsel to business owners and nonprofit boards, structuring simple and complex transactions, auditing and minimizing legal risks, stewarding brand capital, guiding governance and entities for growth, successfully navigating litigation, prudently planning trusts and estates.
Gammon & Grange, P.C.
8280 Greensboro Dr., 7th Floor
McLean, Virginia 22102
Birth Announcement for Innovative Structure Combining Charitable Mission and Business - "L3C"
This article provides a brief overview of an emerging form of program-related investment.
Public Policy Challenge: Nonprofits Under Attack-
Property and sales tax exemptions come under scrutiny as state and local governments face budget shortfalls.