Current and extensive.
Our online Library provides you with the documents you need for researching and the tools to help you do it. Use our tools to save and organize documents for later reading, or to alert you to newly added documents which meet your specified criteria.
What is it?
A comprehensive and ever-growing collection of full-text, public-domain documents from an extensive array of governmental and other public sources, kept current daily by our proprietary technology.
What does it include?
The library includes the full-text of court cases, Internal Revenue Code and Regulations, IRS pronouncements, and congressional legislation.
See screenshotWhat are some of the highlights?
More than a search bar: A comprehensive search function and personalized research folders mean our library isn't just a reference tool, but a research system, giving you the ability to not only find the information you are looking for, but the tools to save and organize that information for later, in-depth research and analysis.
See screenshotRepeat as Necessary: The Library gives you the ability to save complex custom searches; not only can you find the documents you need and be secure in the notion that you'll be able to find them again tomorrow, but you can have us notify you when any new results occur.
See screenshotReal information, not hyperlinks: Our propriety technology tirelessly scans the public domain for new or changed documents within the Library's purview, and it automatically downloads, categorizes, and indexes the full-text of those documents before filing them into the Library. This means you have access to real documents, not hyperlinks to documents that may or may not be available when you need them.
How much does it cost?
$375 / year
One license may be purchased for $375 per year.
Volume pricing is available beginning after 10 units. Please contact sales@charitableplanning.com for more information on volume discounts.