While many gifts of securities into planned gift arrangements are relatively straightforward, it is not uncommon for gift planners to encounter significant difficulties when dealing with more complicated transactions. This article provides gift planners (nonprofit and for-profit alike) with the required knowledge to effectively address complicated stock issues and successfully structure and complete planned gifts funded with stock. Specific areas of consideration include taxation issues, valuation issues, qualified appraisal rules for closely held securities, redemption of closely held securities, dealing with buy-sell agreements, handling special situations, and managing the impact of the Patriot Act on stock gift transactions.
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"Insecure About Securities?" Effectively Handling Gifts of Stock-
While many gifts of securities into planned gift arrangements are relatively straightforward, it is not uncommon for gift planners to encounter significant difficulties when dealing with more complicated transactions. This article provides gift planners (nonprofit and for-profit alike) with the required knowledge to effectively address complicated stock issues and successfully structure and complete planned gifts funded with stock. Specific areas of consideration include taxation issues, valuation issues, qualified appraisal rules for closely held securities, redemption of closely held securities, dealing with buy-sell agreements, handling special situations, and managing the impact of the Patriot Act on stock gift transactions.