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Nationally recognized for his innovative leadership in planned giving, Sam Caldwell has 20 years of front-line gift planning and fundraising experience. Currently Senior Director of Gift Planning at The Haverford School in Haverford PA, he was Founder and CEO of The Planned Giving Company, a national provider of planned giving marketing and consulting services, and served as Director of Planned Giving at The Lawrenceville School near Princeton, NJ, and The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. He also served as Director of Advancement and Gift Planning at Wilmington Friends School in Wilmington, DE. He is a graduate of Amherst College (B.A.) and The Earlham School of Religion (M.Div.).

Generally acknowledged as one of the top innovators in the field of planned giving marketing, Sam is the originator of PGFinder™, the Stelter Company’s loyalty-based prospect identification tool, and PGDirect™, a campaign-based planned giving telephone solicitation program.


The Old Gray Mare Ain't What She Used to Be: The Revolution in Planned Giving Marketing

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Think you know who your planned giving prospects are? You may want to think again! Think the best way to reach your prospects is through newsletters and brochures? You may want to think that one over, too! Focused on the wealthy? Another assumption you may want to reconsider! Read some surprising facts and insights which could change your thinking about how you identify planned giving prospects and market planned gifts. Whether you are a seasoned professional or new to charitable gift planning, you will not want to miss this thought-provoking article about the revolution in planned giving marketing.