Philip M. Purcell
- Author

Phil Purcell currently serves as Vice-President for Planned Giving and Endowment Stewardship at the Ball State University Foundation. He is an attorney and member of the American and Indiana State Bar Associations. Phil teaches courses on law and philanthropy, nonprofit organization law and planned giving as adjunct faculty for the Indiana University Maurer School of Law (Bloomington, IN) and Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy and Fundraising School (Indianapolis, IN).
Phil serves as a member of the Tax Exempt Organization Advisory Council for the Internal Revenue Service (Great Lakes states). He has served on the board of directors for the Partnership for Philanthropic Planning, Planned Giving Group of Indiana and Association of Fundraising Professionals - Indiana Chapter. Phil received his B.A. degree from Wabash College (magna cum laude) and his J.D. and M.P.A. degrees (with honors) from Indiana University.
Is Your Board "On Board" with Planned Giving?
The role of the board of directors is essential to the success of a planned giving program. For-profit professionals who advise and serve on boards, as well as nonprofit professionals who serve on staff, must be sure that their boards are properly informed and involved to ensure an effective and efficient program. This article reviews the important role that a board of directors should serve to assure the success of a planned giving program. Specific topics covered include board duties relative to budget approval, audit, goal-setting, program evaluation, fundraising, and approval of policies and procedures. Evaluation of the planned giving program is explored in detail with a review of evaluation techniques for various levels of program sophistication. Explanations of fundraising strategies for board members include activities relative to donor identification, cultivation, education, solicitation, negotiation, recognition, and stewardship.
How to Draft and Implement Effective Gift Planning Policies and Procedures
Gift planners who work for and/or advise charities or donors as counsel need to be aware of the best practices associated with the education, cultivation, negotiation, completion, recognition and stewardship of planned gifts. Best practices assure compliance with legal and ethical standards to serve the interests of both donors and charities. Gift revenue may be increased for charities while tax and other benefits can be maximized for donors at reduced risk of legal or ethical violations. This article explores the most important elements in creating effective gift planning policies and procedures. It shares model policies for types of planned gifts, assets for gifts, documentation, privacy, crediting, valuing, recognition, stewardship, reporting, ethical standards and many other topics.
Power of the Pyramid: How to Effectively Integrate Planned, Major, and Annual Giving-
This article provides a thorough review of the key steps to effectively integrate planned, major, and annual giving. Specific strategies for comprehensive campaign planning and gift counting are shared. Integrated staff training and donor prospecting techniques are explained in detail. In addition, the steps to prepare and present coordinated annual fund appeals, blended proposals, charitable pledge agreements, and endowment documents are reviewed. Ideas and examples for integrating donor stewardship and recognition activities are explained. Finally, steps for involving senior staff and the board of directors are essential for success.