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Headquartered in Indianapolis, Renaissance Administration LLC (Renaissance) is the largest independent charitable gift services provider in North America. Renaissance currently supports nearly $6 billion of charitable planned gift assets under administration and 21,000 gift instruments. Our team has over 680 years of charitable gift experience and is focused on each individual client to provide impeccable service, a commitment to excellence, and continuous innovation. We have been serving institutions, financial professionals, and individual donors for over 27 years.
Funding a CRT with Appreciated Assets from a CLT
In this case study, donors fund a charitable remainder unitrust with a portion of the remainder they receive from a testamentary charitable lead annuity trust.
DAF Sells Corporate Stock to Donor's Son
Intra-family transfer of closely held stock through donor advised fund avoids recognition of gain.
Using a CRT to Settle a Divorce
A taxpayer uses a CRT to provide an income stream to a spouse as part of a divorce settlement, avoids capital gains tax, receives an income tax deduction, and controls the disposition of assets to the charity of his choice.
CRT as the Beneficiary of an IRA
Naming a CRT as an IRA beneficiary can provide an income stream for heirs, and may be one of the few ways to "stretch" the payout from an IRA over a beneficiary's life expectancy.
Flexible FLIP Unitrust
Donors contribute "hard-to-sell" real estate to a FLIP Unitrust to avoid capital gain taxes on the sale, obtain a current income tax charitable deduction, minimize income for several years, and retain the flexibility to create a steady stream of income during retirement.
New Life for an Old Insurance Policy (Part II)
Donors transfer a life insurance policy to a charitable remainder unitrust and avoid income tax on the surrender of the policy. They are also able to obtain a current income tax charitable deduction, increase their retirement cash flow, and create a lasting legacy to support the treatment of brain tumors.
Funding a Section 529 Plan
By contributing low-yielding appreciated stock to a CRT, donors are able to fund their grandchildren's Section 529 plans, give to charity, avoid capital gains tax, and generate additional retirement income.
Sale of a Corporation Through a CRT
A flip CRUT accommodates a delayed sale of contributed assets and provides benefits to donors and charity. Using a "charitable put" may be one option to consider!
Making Grants to Foreign Charities
A private foundation allows donors to contribute to foreign charities.
Making Gifts to a Brother
This case study illustrates how a donor can use a gift annuity to provide a fixed income stream to a relative for life while at the same time reducing taxes and benefiting charity.
Sale of Farm Equipment
A CRT defers taxes upon the sale of farm equipment and provides cash flow to donors.
All Cash Merger
Contributing stock to a Flip Unitrust prior to a merger saves donors immediate capital gain taxes, provides an income tax charitable deduction, and increases future retirement income.
Increasing Lifetime Cash Flow with Annual Contributions to a CRT
Incentive Stock Options
Contributing low basis stock from an incentive stock option plan to a charitable remainder trust defers recognition of capital gain.
Donor Advised Fund Lets Couple See Charitable Benefits During Lifetime
This case study illustrates how a couple can use a donor advised fund to "test drive" a substantial gift to multiple charities.
Partnership Distributes Assets to Partners, Who Then Create CRTs
Planning for Gifts of Mortgaged Real Estate
A donor contributes a portion of her real estate holdings to a DAF, creating current tax deductions and providing a source of funds for her charities for years to come.
Using an LLC as a Double Discounting Tool with a CLAT
LLC Owned by a Flip-CRUT
By transferring highly appreciated stock to a Flip-CRUT, which creates a single-member LLC to hold the stock and other investments, taxpayers can control the Flip-CRUT's income flow, defer capital gains tax, and make gifts to charities.
Stock Redeemed From a DAF
Donors contribute stock to a donor advised fund and receive an immediate federal income tax charitable deduction, reducing their net worth for estate tax purposes and retaining the right to recommend grants from the DAF to museums and their other favorite charities.
Using a FLIP Unitrust to Diversify
A Flip CRUT allows the donor to diversify assets, avoid capital gains tax, and defer the income stream.
Creative Planning to Give an Unmarketable Asset-
By contributing closely held stock to a CRT, the donor is able to complete a gift to charity, avoid recognition of gain on the gifted assets, and obtain an immediate income tax deduction, while eliminating the need for the charity to deal with and negotiate the stock sale.